Monday, March 28, 2016

Arte wolfe

Art Wolfe (born 1951) is an American photographer and conservationist, best known for color images of wildlife, landscapes and native cultures.His photographs document scenes from every continent and hundreds of locations, and have been noted by environmental advocacy groups for their "stunning" visual impact.Wolfe's career has been described as "multi-faceted", involving wildlife advocacy, art, journalism, and education. his pictures are almost all of nature.

Image result for Art wolfeArt Wolfe

Thursday, March 24, 2016


when i went to take pictures of nature it was easy  because i just went outside and and took pictures of the trees and the grass , it wasnt that fun because i went by myself and it was took about 5 minutes to take all the photos i needed. the pictures came out bright and pretty, i just wanted to finish my work sense today is the last day to turn it in. it was a bright and cool day to go outside anyways so i was okay with going outside and taking the photos. i also took pictures of bees and stuff even thoe they werent real they were just drawings inside the school lol, overall it was a good picture day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

william henry jackson

Jackson 1862.JPGwiiliam was an American painter, Civil War veteran, geological survey photographer and an explorer famous for his images of the American West. He was a great-great nephew of Samuel Wilson, the progenitor of America's national symbol Uncle Sam he was born on .April 4, 1843 and died on  June 30, 1942 his pictures are mostly black and white. his phtos are really pretty and has alot of contrast. perfect photos.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

raymond thompson jr

Raymond is a freelance photographer and multimedia producer based in Morgantown, WV. He currently works as a Multimedia Producer at West Virginia University. He received his Masters degree from the University of Texas at Austin in journalism and graduated from the University of Mary Washington with a BA is American Studies. He has worked as a multimedia photojournalist for the Door County Advocate, the Times of Northwest Indiana, the Kane County Chronicle, Times Community Newspapers and the Washington Times. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

cat and mouse

i went to go take pictures with niphi. it was funny because he didnt know what to do. we were posing in all pictures. i wanted to get in over with because i really dont want to walk around the hallways. i took about 12 pictures of niphi. some of them were him facing the other way with his bcak against me. when he took pictures of me i was kinda shy because i dont really like when people take pictures of me unless its by a a real photographer, i was doing the 'gang gang' pose lol. anyways i liked taking photos with niphi cause his really the only person i talk to in this class. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

gwenn dubourthoumieu

Gwenn Dubourthoumieu became interested in photography while he working in Africa for humanitarian NGOs. In 2010, Gwenn decides to pursue his commitment as photographer in Democratic Republic of the Congo. He realized documentary works on social and human rights issues, and covered news as photo correspondent for the French Press Agency (AFP) until December, 2011. In 2012, he settled down in Paris and has since worked as a freelance photographer. His work, regularly awarded, is widely published in the French and international media. His work on the socila impact of the exploitation of copper in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is part of the permanent collection of the Libr
ary of Congress in the United States.